Use "idolize|idolized|idolizes|idolizing" in a sentence

1. Susan idolizes her mother.

2. He idolizes his father.

3. They idolize their kids.

4. Was the League idolized?

5. Ladies, I idolize you all.

6. She idolized her father.

7. Many teenagers idolized the Beatles.

8. How can people idolize inanimate things?

9. She was idolized by her family.

10. We do not idolize God-dishonoring symbols.

11. Because I idolized Rhoda I'm so upset.

12. Coped To imitate, copy, or idolize someone or something.

13. Idolize they favorite rappers and know all they songs.

14. Maggie : Could you possibly idolize her any more?

15. The child was idolized by her Parents.

16. As a child, Ted idolized his father.

17. Idolize their favorite rappers and know all they songs.

18. But no, he idolized the girl from the start.

19. 9 The idolizing of sports and entertainment stars is common.

20. Boys idolize athletes, and fantasize about playing in the pros.

21. Your face I've memorized,[Sentence dictionary] I idolize just you.

22. They had one child, a girl whom they idolized.

23. Synonyms for Apotheosizes include worships, glorifies, deifies, idolises, idolizes, lauds, aggrandizes, elevates, ennobles and idealises

24. He is both idolized and despised within the Union movement.

25. We idolize success and status and thus undermine our mutual respect.

26. 10 Boys idolize athletes, and fantasize about playing in the pros.

27. Putting up posters is one way fans can show who they idolize.

28. From my childhood upward I have idolized the dreams of virtue.

29. The crowd grew larger every day, coming to question, to idolize, to scorn.

30. He knows nothing of it yet. I idolized this poor unhappy child.

31. Rhoda says that it's embarrassing to be so idolized, but also very sweet and rejuvenating.

32. In this world it is common to idolize oneself and one’s own will.

33. Napoleon had great prestige in the army, and his men idolized him.

34. Denied parents for so much of the year, Angel had idolized Pedro.

35. Carl Denham : No you dont. If you idolized it, you would ve jumped.

36. Synonyms for Apotheosizing include worshipping, worshiping, glorifying, deifying, idolising, idolizing, lauding, aggrandizing, elevating and ennobling

37. Synonyms for Adulated include worshipped, worshiped, idolised, idolized, adored, deified, canonised, canonized, hero-worshipped and doted on

38. Synonyms for Apotheosize include worship, glorify, deify, idolise, idolize, laud, aggrandize, elevate, ennoble and idealise

39. Motivated Stanleigh Agnizing his commoner rapidly universalizing? Gastropod John-David idolizes, his cobbers personified tooth resonantly

40. He was glad to have the clothes, for American styles were idolized in Germany.

41. If men could only know each other , they would neither idolize nor hate . -- Elbert Hubbert.

42. In the late seventies, when Ian was starting out as a pro, he idolized Watson.

43. We idolized guys like Magic and Larry, trying to be like them in our backyard.

44. We've always idolized him and he's one of the reasons we're playing the game.

45. Nevertheless, the idolizing of the very thin figure has led millions of young women into slavery.

46. It was a pleasure to flog her, to defend her, to scrutinize, criticize and idolize her.

47. Hong Kong teenagers idolize Cantopop stars more than their own parents, according to a university survey.

48. Those cross - Atlantic aficionados who persistently idolize the British theater and bad - mouth broadway ( Benedict Nightingale ).

49. Synonyms for Adulating include worshipping, worshiping, idolising, idolizing, adoring, deifying, canonising, canonizing, hero-worshipping and doting on

50. In fact, the first and second of his Ten Commandments absolutely forbade the making and idolizing of handmade images or statues.

51. Synonyms for Adulate include worship, idolise, idolize, adore, deify, canonise, canonize, hero-worship, dote on and revere

52. Helen : Have you ever met anyone you've idolized and they've turned out to be an idiot?

53. Only Ginny and a few of his close friends knew how much he idolized his daughters.

54. It is no cushy idolized by the queen . It would debased the feeling of some man.

55. Am I idolizing them by wearing T-shirts or jackets that advertise such performers, or even by hanging their pictures or posters in my room?

56. I had admired and almost idolized Mencken as a writer long before I got to meet him, about 1930 or so.

57. And he helped her by showing that she had married a man of her own color who was idolized by all.

58. Bardolatry is the worship, particularly when considered excessive, of William Shakespeare.1 Shakespeare has been known as "the Bard" since the 18th century.2 Someone who idolizes Shakespeare is known as a Bardolator

59. Abraham loved Isaac with all of his being, and in fact, perhaps idolized him a little too much, because God put Abraham to the test, telling him to sacrifice his only son

60. Whether you like the idea of choosing a name that honors a legend, idolizes an action hero, or one that just sounds totally wild, every one of these Badass baby name ideas will prove your baby's a

61. They are supplying their followers with alt-liturgies, alt-mysticism, and alt-magic and are willing to smash, burn, destroy and kill for it, as they idolize their vision of “Amerikkka” as a white “ethno-state,” an Absolutized, divinized race and nation

62. Chauvinism (n.) 1840, "exaggerated, blind nationalism; patriotism degenerated into a vice," from French Chauvinisme (1839), from the character Nicholas Chauvin, soldier of Napoleon's Grand Armee, who idolized Napoleon and the Empire long after it was history, in the Cogniards' popular 1831 vaudeville "La Cocarde Tricolore."